博彩网址大全’s Web 隐私声明.

At 博彩网址大全 (MCC), 我们致力于保护您的隐私,使个人和企业与世纪挑战互动更容易、更高效. 我们认识到,对于个人和企业来说,在访问monroecc时确保他们的隐私受到保护是至关重要的.edu. You can travel through most of iefy.net without giving us any information about yourself. Sometimes we do need information to provide services that you request, and this commitment of privacy explains our online information practices.

世纪挑战集团不收取任何费用 个人信息 about you unless you provide that information voluntarily by sending email, completing an online information request form, completing the online application, or completing online registration.

This statement is consistent with the provisions of the Internet Security and Privacy Act, 信息自由法Personal Privacy Protection Law.

Information collected automatically when you visit iefy.net
参观摩纳哥时.edu, MCC会自动收集和存储以下有关您访问的信息:

  • The Internet Protocol address of the computer that 访问ed our website
  • 浏览器的类型、版本和运行该浏览器的操作系统
  • 的网页 用户 访问ed the current Web page
  • 的日期和时间 用户的 访问
  • The pages that were visited 和 amount of time spent at each page

None of the above-mentioned information is deemed to constitute 个人信息 by the Internet Privacy and Security Act. 自动收集的信息有几种用途,包括改进监控.并帮助世纪挑战集团了解访问者是如何与其网站互动的. 这些信息也用于统计分析,以确定哪些信息是我们的网站访问者最感兴趣和最不感兴趣的. Please see the section entitled “再处置” for more information on how MCC may use this information to advertise MCC services.

Information collected when you email iefy.net or complete a transaction
During your visit to iefy.net, you may send an email to MCC. Your email address 和 contents of your message will be collected. The information collected is not limited to text characters 和5月 include audio, video and graphic information formats included in the message. 您的电子邮件地址和信息将被用于回复您, to address issues you identify, 改善本网站, and/or to forward your message to another MCC department for appropriate action. 您的电子邮件地址不会被收集用于商业目的,MCC也没有被授权出售或以其他方式披露您的电子邮件地址用于商业目的.

During your visit to iefy.net, 您可以完成一个交易,如在线申请或在线信息申请表. The information collected by MCC, 包括 个人信息 volunteered by you in completing the transaction, 由世纪挑战公司使用,并可能由世纪挑战公司披露,用于可从提交该等资料的交易的性质和条款中合理确定的目的.

MCC does not knowingly collect 个人信息 from children under the age of 13 or create profiles of children under the age of 13. Users are cautioned, however, that the collection of 个人信息 submitted in an email will be treated as though it was submitted by an adult, 和5月, unless exempted from 访问 by federal or state law, 对公众开放.

Disclosure of information collected through this website
The collection of information 通过iefy.net和该信息的披露是受互联网安全和隐私法的规定. 世纪挑战集团只收取费用 个人信息 通过monroecc.Edu或disclosure 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.如果。 用户 has consented to the collection or disclosure of such 个人信息. The voluntary disclosure of 个人信息 到世纪挑战公司 用户 即表示同意中冶集团为上述目的而收集及披露有关资料 用户 disclosed the information to MCC.

However, MCC may collect or disclose 个人信息 (1)为履行世纪挑战的法定职责所必需的, or necessary for MCC to operate a program authorized by law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; (2) made pursuant to a court order or by law; (3) for the purpose of validating the identity of the 用户; or (4) of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

Further, disclosure of information, 包括 个人信息, 通过monroecc收集.edu is subject to the provisions of the 信息自由法Personal Privacy Protection Law.

世纪挑战集团可披露 个人信息 向联邦或州执法当局授权,以执行其对未经授权访问或试图未经授权访问中冶信息技术资产的权利.

Retention of information collected through this website
The information 通过monroecc收集.edu由MCC根据纽约州艺术的记录保留和处置要求保留 & 文化法. 在一般情况下, Internet services logs of MCC, 包括电子文件或自动日志,以监控通过monroecc提供的学院服务的访问和使用.edu, are archived for future reference. 有关这些记录保留和处置时间表的信息可以通过本声明中列出的互联网隐私政策联系人获得.

Access to and correction of 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.edu
任何 用户 may submit a request to MCC's privacy compliance officer to determine whether 个人信息 与此相关 用户 has been 通过monroecc收集.edu. 任何此类要求均应以书面提出,并须附有有关人士的合理身份证明 用户. Reasonable proof of identity may include verification of a signature, inclusion of an identifier generally known only to the 用户, or similar appropriate identification. The address of the privacy compliance officer is:


The privacy compliance officer shall, within five (5) business days of the receipt of a proper request, 提供进入 个人信息; deny 访问 in writing, explaining the reasons therefore; or acknowledge the receipt of the request in writing, stating the approximate date when the request will be granted or denied, 哪个日期不得超过自确认之日起三十(30)天.

In the event that MCC has collected 个人信息 与…有关 用户 通过iefy.net and that information is to be provided to the 用户 根据 用户的 request, privacy compliance officer shall inform the 用户 of his or her right to request that the 个人信息 be amended or corrected under the procedures set forth in section 95 of the Public Officers Law.

Confidentiality and integrity of 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.edu
MCC is strongly committed to protecting 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.edu against unauthorized 访问, use or disclosure. Consequently, MCC limits employee 访问 to 个人信息 通过monroecc收集.只向那些在执行公务时需要获取信息的员工开放. 有权访问此信息的员工遵循与任何披露相关的适当程序 个人信息.

除了, 世纪挑战集团已实施程序,以保障其信息技术资产的完整性, 包括, 但不限于, 身份验证, 授权, 监控, 审计和加密. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation and day-to-day operations of monroecc.Edu作为我们对电子内容和信息电子传输安全的持续承诺的一部分.

For website security purposes and to maintain the availability of monroecc.全民教育 用户, MCC使用软件监控流量,以识别未经授权的上传或更改信息或以其他方式破坏监控的企图.edu.

世纪挑战集团可能会利用各种第三方服务进行行为和再营销活动.  这些活动可能包括:向在线使用习惯表明对世纪挑战教育服务感兴趣的用户展示数字广告, 并向访问过MCC一个或多个网站的用户显示数字广告或后续消息.

Third party vendors, 包括 Google, may use cookies to track Internet use.  这些cookie收集的信息可用于在互联网上的网站上显示MCC广告.  收集的任何数据将按照我们的隐私声明和谷歌的隐私政策使用. 您可以通过调整cookie设置或使用浏览器插件永久退出基于兴趣的广告.

cookie是由用户的浏览器存储在计算机硬盘驱动器上的小块信息. Monroecc.edu utilizes session cookies in certain portions of its website.

本隐私声明中提供的信息不应被解释为给予业务, 法律或其他建议, or warranting as fail proof, security of information provided 通过iefy.net.

For questions regarding this Internet privacy policy, please contact our privacy officer via email 或邮寄至:



Personal information: For purposes of this statement, "个人信息" means any information concerning a natural person, 因为名字的关系, 数量, 象征, 标记或其他标识符, can be used to identify that natural person.